Python is a dynamic, high level, free open source and interpreted programming language. ...
Easy to code: ...
Free and Open Source: ...
Object-Oriented Language: ...
GUI Programming Support: ...
High-Level Language: ...
Extensible feature: ...
Python is Portable language:
1. Python was a hobby project
In December 1989, Python’s creator Guido Van Rossum was looking for a hobby project to keep him occupied in the week around Christmas. He had been thinking of writing a new scripting language that’d be a descendant of ABC and also appeal to Unix/ c hackers. He chose to call it Python.
2. Why it was called Python
The language’s name isn’t about snakes, but about the popular British comedy troupe Monty Python (from the 1970s). Guido himself is a big fan of Monty Python’s Flying Circus. Being in a rather irreverent mood, he named the project ‘Python’. Isn’t it an interesting Python fact?
3. The Zen of Python
Tim Peters, a major contributor to the Python community, wrote this poem to highlight the philosophies of Python. If you type in “import this” in your Python IDLE, you’ll find this poem:
4. Flavors of python
Python ships in various flavors:
CPython- Written in C, most common implementation of Python
Jython- Written in Java, compiles to bytecode
6. No braces
Unlike Java and C++, Python does not use braces to delimit code. Indentation is mandatory with Python. If you choose to import it from the __ future __ package, it gives you a witty error.
This isn’t possible in a language like Java. There, you can return an array of values instead.
7. Functions can return multiple values
In Python, a function can return more than one value as a tuple. Take a look at the following code:
8. Python supports multiple assignments in one statement
Python will let you assign the same value to multiple variables in one statement. It will also let you assign values to multiple variables at once.
9. With slicing, it’s easier to reverse a list
If we slice a list of values from starting to end but with a step of -1, we get the list right to left (reversed).
10. You can chain comparison
Conditions may contain more than one comparison at once. You can have a condition that checks whether a value is greater than another and lesser than yet another all at once.
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I aslo use python