Science, asked by shifastudy8371, 11 months ago

Atomic number from 1 to 30 with valancy valancelectron moluculormass


Answered by Brainliestnumber1

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Swathi answered 3 year(s) ago
Atomic masses of first 30 elements?
Atomic masses of all the elements?

Asked by Mragisha

Dec 17

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1 Answers
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Swathi , SubjectMatterExpert

Member since Apr 28 2014

It is not possible to give the atomic masses of all the elements. Here iam giving the atomic masses of first 30 elements in the periodic table.

Element Atomic number Atomic mass
Hydrogen 1 1
Helium 2 4
Lithium 3 6.94
Beryllium 4 9.01
Boron 5 10.81
Carbon 6 12.01
Nitrogen 7 14.01
Oxygen 8 15.99
Fluorine 9 19
Neon 10 20.18
Sodium 11 22.99
Magnesium 12 25.31
Aluminium 13 26.98
Silicon 14 28.09
Phosphorus 15 30.97
Sulphur 16 32.07
Chlorine 17 35.45
Argon 18 39.95
Potassium 19 39.10
Calcium 20 40.08
Scandium 21 44.96
Titanium 22 47.87
Vanadium 23 50.94
Chromium 24 52
Manganese 25 54.94
Iron 26 55.85
Cobalt 27 58.93
Nickel 28 58.69
Copper 29 63.55
Zinc 30 65.41

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