@sakthishree5122 -
Me acchi hu, aap kesi h / kese ho
can I get you intro?
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According to the poet, every man has seven stages during his life time. These lines describe the last stage of a man's life. Explanation: The last stage of a man is known as his second childhood. A child can not see, hear, smell and taste anything, during childhood. - Simplify this and explain
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This line is talking about the old age in old age some old people have very bad condition. it's said to be the second childhood. becuase the old people are said to be a child.Thats all I can tell you
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ऐसे ही कर लेंगे बात कुछ थोड़ा ही हो जाएगा अरे मैं तो ऐसे ही बोल रहा था आप तो ऐसे सोच रही हो जैसे कि मैं आपका किडनैप कर लूंगा आपकी मर्जी है करनी हो तो करो अन्यथा कोई बात नहीं
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