English, asked by yammna, 1 year ago

Attempt a character sketch of Private Quelch in 100--120 words...9+


Answered by Anonymous
P.Q.is a person of vast knowledge,he paraded his knowledge in time and out of time he acheived his knowledge by dint of intelligent reading.he was ambitious.in persuit of his ambition,he worked hard.he borrowed training manuals and stayed up late at night reading them.he was unimaginative and failed to understand other's feelings.he badgered the instructors with Qs.he corrected their lectures when they made mistakes.he added to their teaching.his incorrigible character lead him away from the minds of his colleagues.actually,they feared him.his officers disliked him.as a result,he could not get even a stripe in the army.he was denoted to the permanent cook house duty.at the training camp he was a laughing stock to his fellow soldiers and a terror to instructors he unnecessarily displayed his knowledge and interrupted the class.
Answered by BrainlyQueen01
 \large{\bold {PRIVATE \: QUELCH}}

Private Quelch was a new recruit in the army. He was very hardworking fellow. He had a good knowledge on all aspects of life. He was appointed as a soldier but his ambitions and goals were very high. He wanted to take a rank first and then a promotion as an army officer. To get his goal he used to work hard. He borrowed training manuals and read them late in the nights. He had learnt many things by heart. He word respected for his knowledge by all his fellow soldiers. He was nicknamed as "Professor". He had a great ability to recognise an aircraft only by its engine sound. When anyone made a mistake he would publicly correct it. He waja tireless person on long route marches. His selute at the pay table was a model to behold. But which all these qualities, he had some negative traits also. He had a habit of showing off. He always interrupted his instructors while giving training to them. This is the result of his habit of showing off that the corporal turnbull appointed him for permanent cookhouse duties. He wanted to impress his superior officers by showing of his knowledge but the result was totally different and this only show off become a turning point in his life in spite of this dutifulness, discipline, knowledge and hard work.
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