Attempt any three questions of the following: -Q 1. There I have another bad match: a bankrupt, aprodigal. who dare scarce show his head in the rialto, abeggar, that was used to come do smug upon the mart,(a) What is meant by a bankrupt as well as " prodigal "?(b) Why has the man gonc bankrupt? Why is he calledprodigal 2(c) What is known as Rialto 2 Which rialto is referred tohere?(d) How did bankrupt cause loss to shylock in venice?(e) How is the bankrupt likely to go into a loss? How far itwill affect shylock as far as revenge is concemed?
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bankrupt means a person who has not enough money to pay off his just that's prodigal means that who spends money recklessly the man has gone bankrupt because his shift has been wrecked in the English Channel with rich cargo that is why he is a prodigal by Shylock
venetition stock exchange where the merchants used to meet to transact business deal was known as Rialto this words to company antonio's financial position in the past with his present bankrupt condition
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