Computer Science, asked by Anonymous, 7 months ago

Augmented Reality
• Artificial Intelligence
• Internet of Things
• Big Data Analytics
Find out information about these
technologies based on the
following parameters:
• Definition
• Features
• Applications
• Advantages/Disadvantages(if any)


Answered by nosworthyjonesd1801


Artificial intelligence,


Artificial intelligence is where a computer system which is able to do tasks which you would normally need a humans intelligence.

Its futuristic, can do boring tasks for you and could also be something like a companion to talk to depending on what the A.I is used for.

Finance,Healthcare,Education and transportation

If its coded well, it will nearly always succeed, they can not be killed as such.they dont have emotions to get in the way.  They dont need to rest to function properly.

Can cost a lot of money, can need a lot of storage, If they replace humans then unemployment will get higher. robots can lead to destruction if given the the wrong people.

Hope this helps!

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