Social Sciences, asked by singhpunita967, 6 months ago

August 2020
Marks -25
lentifies historical and literary sources and describes the use of various sources for
reorganization of history,
Answer the following questions.
1. Which are the sources to know history? Give information about any one source.
2. Which is the various historical information that we come to know from ancient (2)
Explains the development of ancient human civilization and its characteristics.
Do as directed.
Describe the following features of Harappan civilization in two to three sentences.
1. House
2. Roads 3. Public Bath
How can you say that Lothal was a prosperous port of ancient India?
Understands the stages of development during ancient times and compare the
development of the two regions. For example-Hunting-Collection, beginning o
farming, first city of Indus Valley Civilization.
Answer the following questions.
1. How was the life of primitive man before the invention of fire?
2. Describe the changes occurred in the life of the primitive man due to the inv
of agriculture.
Identifies the difference between stars, planets and satellites. For example t​


Answered by senishaan31st



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