English, asked by chinmaypawar900, 11 months ago

autobiography of a flower​


Answered by Alishasheikh1108


I am a beautiful red rose in a garden where there are only roses. Aha! I feel the happiest, as I am the largest rose of a bright red color and all visitors point to me and then I feel as though I am on top of the world. ...

hope it helps

Answered by supernovalegend


When I woke up for the first time, I was a little flower-bud on a gentle tendril of a shrub in the jungle. I didn’t know that this place was called jungle until the bee had told me. Well, I did not know a lot of things back then; I was only a little bud on a gentle tendril of a shrub. When I first opened my eyes, I saw all sorts of trees – lush and green – tall and short, shrubs and grasses, ferns and flowers all around me. I saw mosses that grew in the damp. I liked the place where I was born – the jungle, as the bee called it!

A stream flowed right next to me. The deep water reflected the sun and in the shallows, it rushed and collided over the rocks. I could see the vast and green meadow right on the opposite end of the stream. Animals grazed in the green meadow against the distant blue hills. I saw deer and buffaloes that grazed in the meadow. On my side of the stream there were flowers – of all colors – the reds, the yellows, the purples! I wheezed with exuberance. I smelled the fragrance in the air and bathed in the sun and heard the twiddle of birds and buzzing bees. Slowly the day progressed. I talked to the bee that collected nectar from neighboring flowers. I waved at the butterflies that camouflaged with the flowers. The flowers were all happy and they shared their happiness with everyone. I spent the day admiring everything I could see. Soon it was evening, the flowers slept as soon as the sun went down the horizon. I slept that night dreaming that I would become a flower next day when I wake up.

As I opened my eyes, I saw her – she was not more than half a foot tall. Her eyes were deep blue, like the sky in the noon. Her hair were long and had colors and fragrance of all the flowers. She had worn clothes made of rays of sun – golden and magnificent. She had wings – transparent, thin and fragile. Her wings fluttered and reflected the sun rays. She whirled around me – smiling and cuddling me. Ah! Her elegance was beyond I could ever describe with words! Her beatific smile! Her enchanting touch! Everything felt like magic. Sparkles burst all over my body and I transformed – yes! I transformed into a flower! I was red – with many petals; delicate – just like the wings of the fairy! I fell in love with her at the moment

Twinkle then went away, waking up the flowers on her way. I could see the other fairies too, travelling from shrub to shrub, turning the buds into flowers. The whole jungle was smiling with the flowers! I wondered why I didn’t see the fairies yesterday. Was it magic? Was it so that only flowers could see the fairies? I made a note to myself to ask the bee about the fairies. There were so many questions in my mind. I had not thought about them when Twinkle was around. In fact when Twinkle was around, all I could do was adore her! And now she had gone… I couldn’t let my mind off her. I smiled and zoomed over the wind with great mirth every time I remembered her. I was in love! I definitely was!

The bee came after the noon.

“I see you have turned into a flower!” it spoke with great fervor.

“Yes, I have” I replied with smile.

“Time to collect some nectar” it said.

“Bee, do you know why I saw fairies this morning and not the morning before?” I inquired.

“You see, the flowers keep asking me this question very often. The fairies of flowers are magical creature from Mother Nature. They wear the colors of nature, like in morning they wear clothes made of rays of sun, when it rains they wear clothes made of clouds or sometimes when there is rainbow in the sky, they wear all the colors of rainbow. They are gentle and loving creatures. Only a flower could see them, not us bees or any animal. I told you what I heard from other flowers” she said.

Some time elapsed and then the clouds became dense. They had this show of lights going on in the sky and they made loud noise. I was startled every time I heard it. And then a water drop fell on me. It felt weirdly interesting. I shivered at first before I could know what was happening, more drops fell and then it was a continuous stream of water-drops. The level of water in the stream rose up and it made a louder sound when it hit the rocks. Buffaloes stood still in the pasture. They enjoyed the rain as much as I did. I couldn’t see the distant mountains, the distant view was hazy and there were clouds everywhere. Rain is an attempt of the clouds to give new life to entire nature. It rained for some time, and then sun broke through clouds. The clouds had a bright lining. The sun smiled – it was already a few paces away from the west horizon. The sun sent a folk of fairies – fairies of seven colors.

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