English, asked by saumhra8698, 10 months ago

Autobiography of an orange


Answered by preetsharma2014in


I am a large yellow orange, banging

on one of tho trees In Farmer Skin

ner's orchard. Olio day, ns I wns

thinking of my llfo there, I observed

Charlie, the farm boy. approaching mo

with a basket. I began to feel curious

ns to what was going to happen, I

soon know, though, for slash went a

knife, and I found myself hurtling

Into the basket.

I was then carried, among others, to

a large barn. Farmer Skinner packed ;

us all in a case, and then nailed the

lid on. Tho next morning wo wero

taken in a bumpy old cart to a large

building; half a mile from the orchard, i

A man unnalled the ltd of our case

and placed us in a slanting position

on a shelf. I was one of tho top ones

In the case, so I can tell you what went |

on "there. I could sea 'largo bunches of

bananas, cases of apples, pineapples,

and large poars.

My friend told mo that U.is was a

show called the Exhibition, and that

people come and admire you. 1 got so'

excited when I heard this tliatT nearly

fell out of the case.

Before the ' doors, of. the exhibition

were opened a man caled a judge put

a piece of blue ribbon on our case, and

also a card with "first prize'-' written

on it. .

Then tlio doors of the exhibition

were opened, and peoplo began to

stream into tho building. Towards the

end of tho show a man, whose name

I heard was Sir Oliver. West, came and

bought the case I was in.

I was taken to his home, and his

little daughter admired me very much.

"Very well." said her father, "you

shall eat him for breakfast to-mororw."

I - wonder - what that means. At ell, I

shall soon know I suppose. I am tiied

of talking now. ; .

Good night, everybody.


Answered by adasgupta1966


Which Orange colour or fruit

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