English, asked by japneet717, 6 months ago

Autocorrect could ruin your life write in 200 words


Answered by kush193874

Dear autocorrect, I really, truly hate you. You ruin my life on a daily basis. And you won't even let me swear at you.

You think you're so helpful, but all you do is make me seem like a creepy moron. Ok fine, autocorrect: like more of a creepy moron.

You change Googled to fondled. You change pansies to panties. I even had to go to a meeting with HR that one time that you changed ASUS to anus. I'm not sure whether they were more concerned that I was texting the word anus to my boss, or that I worked in digital and owned an ASUS.

There was also that other time when a friend sent me a pic of her wedding dress ahead of her big day. I tried to tell her it was 'art', but I ended up texting her 'arf'. After three attempts, all I'd done was bark at her.

She didn't take it as a compliment. Our diminished friendship is all your fault, because now everytime I see her outfits I tell her they're total arf.

I'd totally had enough after you changed the word pencil to penis. In a text to my dad. So you owe me at least 14 months of therapy bills for that one.

I'm over you. I'm turning you off... Right after I finish this article, because spell check is actually quite helpful when I'm writing an article with one hand on my phone on the tram.

Plus, as a bonus, I'll finally be able to send texts riddled with swearing again. Thank ducking hell. an article with one hand on my phone on the tram.

Plus, as a bonus, I'll finally be able to send texts riddled with swearing again. Thank ducking hell.

Answered by Anonymous



Do you keep cursing your Android phone all the time because it keeps “correcting” words it shouldn’t? You’re not alone. While there are times the auto-correct functionality on your phone comes in very handy, the utility is far from perfect. More often than not, auto-correct ends up correcting words it shouldn’t – and you then have to spend your precious time assuring your friends and family that wasn’t what you meant to send!

This is especially true if there are lots of proper nouns in the text or if you are interspersing your text with words from another language (try mixing Spanish words with an English text, the result is hilarious).

Luckily for you, the Android system will let you disable auto-correct. You don’t have to turn it off entirely, though – you can modify it instead. Auto-correct can be modified, for example, to ignore minor errors and fix only the glaring ones.

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