English, asked by aditi2952, 9 months ago

av be extras:
died so
f paying a
mahu the GROUP VENDU EU u the
up the gaps or replace the italicised expressions by the GROUE
brackets or at the end [changing the forms or
at the end [changing the forms of the verbs if necessary). There may be ext
11) I could not understand why the old man who was my next
udenly. I was quite tired with a long journey, but could not leave the idea of pavin
visit to his house and so started wearing my clothes.
I{give up, pass away, do up, put on. get off, make out-one extra}
2) The tourist started for the airport. He was staving at a hotel. But the car in which he was
travelling was stopped for sometime. Any how. he overcame the difficulty and reached the
airport anxiously. {[hold up, look forward to, set out, get over, put up, carry out-extra}
[3] Just as Ajoy was about to depart from Mumbai, the rain commenced. He had to postpone
his journey, and although he was perturbed by his delay, he realised he had to accept it.
{put off, run out, set in, put up with, set off, set down one extra}
[4] My father urged me to accept the job. He said that it was no use loitering at home waiting
for something better to appear, very few employers are engaging more men at present, and
a lot of places are shutting permanently. I took the job and learnt to work quickly.
[make up, pick up, hang about, turn up, close down-one extral}
[5] Mr P. De maintains a few needy students. They - Mr De as their saviour. But the
prices of articles have — That is why Mr De is busy a part time job in the
evening. If everything goes right, he will — a Home for the helpless.
{flook up, look upon, look after, look for, set up, set in} feel up the gas or replace the expression by the group verbs given in the brackets or at the end .(​


Answered by tara8463


not understanding the question

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