Geography, asked by krishpanday520, 2 months ago

B. Answer the following questions in detail : 1. Name the important factors affecting the distribution of insolation. Describe in detail the effect of latitude, terrain and nature of the surface on insolation. 2. Describe the role of winds and ocean currents on the distribution of temperature with suitable examples. 3. How does the location of a place close to the sea and in the interior of a continent affect the diurnal and annual range of temperature ? 4. Explain heat budget. 5. How do ocean currents influence the horizontal distribution of temperature ? ​


Answered by pkkhowai78


1.The following factors affect the distribution of insolation:

Duration of day and night in different latitude. The angle of incidence of sun rays. Water vapor in the atmosphere. Dust particles in the atmosphere.

2.Background: Warm and cold ocean currents can affect the climate of an area along the coast if the winds blow in from the ocean. Warm ocean currents heat the air above the water and carry the warm air to the land, increasing the temperature of the coastal region.


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