Science, asked by sarkarsusmita641, 10 months ago

B. Answer very briefly
2 X 5 = 10
1. Why does running make a man breathe faster? *
2. Identify the animal from the below picture and write down two adaptive features of that. *
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3. Which thermometer is used to measure our body temperature? State the unit in which temperature is commonly measured. *
4. A man riding a bike covers a distance of 40 km in 120 minutes. Calculate the speed of the man? *
5. Why does a turmeric stain on white shirt is turned to red when it is washed with soap? *
C. Answer in brief:
3 X 5 = 15
1. Identify A, B, C, D, E, F and G. Also mention that which parts form upper respiratory tract and which parts form lower respiratory tract? *
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2. What are the three methods of transfer of heat? *
3. What do you mean by the uniform and non-uniform motion of a body? *
4. Which acid is injected into our body by an ant sting that causes pain? A small amount of hydrochloric acid is always produced in the stomach. Is it useful or harmful for us? If excess of acid is produced in the stomach, what should we do? *
5. You are provided with three test tubes A, B and C as shown in figure with different liquids. What will you observe when you put (a) a piece of blue litmus paper in each test tube?(b) a piece of red litmus paper in each test tube?(c) a few drops of phenolphthalein solution to each test tube? *
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D. Higher order thinking skills [HOTS]
1. Read and answer: *
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2. What is the difference between a tornado and a cyclone? 3 *
3. Two figures ‘a’ and ‘b’ are given below. Both are revealing two different human activities which are the cause of depletion of water table. Identify the two acts and explain how these are causing the depletion of water resource. 3 *​


Answered by aaaanishns

Question is too big and difficult to answer.....

try to send one by one.....

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