(b) How could Bepin Babu’s loss of memory be treated according to Dr. Chanda.
According to Dr. Chanda Bipin babu could regain his memory by visiting Ranchi again
a) Bepin Babu changed his mind about meeting Chunilal because he thought that it might be possible that the latter remembered something about the Ranchi trip. When Chunilal confirmed that Bepin Babu had been to Ranchi, Bepin Babu decided to see a specialist doctor.
b) After Jody accepted the responsibility for looking after the fawn. He took it to the kitchen and fed it with milk. He dipped his fingers in the milk and thrust them into the fawn's soft wet mouth. Hence, one can say that jody carried out his responsibility quite well.
c) The king wanted to hire the speaker with his power. But his power amounted to nothing valuable.