Hindi, asked by RAUNAKJHA41, 7 months ago

बालका: _______ सेवा कुर्युः *
क) माता
ख) मातु:
ग) मात्रो
31. जना: परिश्रमेण एव सफलताम् _______ *
क) लभते
ख) लभेते
ग) लभन्ते
32. त्वम् स्वापाठम् न __________ *
क) अस्मर
ख) अस्मरताम्
ग) अस्मरत
33. छात्रा: नित्यम् पठम् _______ *
क) पठेत्
ख) पठेताम्
ग) पठेयु:
34. युयं शीघ्ं कार्यागी _______ *
क) करोतु
ख) करवाणी
ग) कुरुत
35. अहं पाठं पठित्वा _________ *
क) लेखिब्यति
ख) लेखिब्यासि
ग) लेखिब्यामि
36. सरोवरे शुध्दम् जलम् अस्ति I अस्मिन् – वक्ये विशेषण पदम् बिम् ? *
क) सरोवरे
ख) शुदधम्
ग) जलम्
37. कृष्णः शशक: धवति I अस्मिन् – वक्ये विशेषण पदम् बिम् ? *
क) कृष्णः
ख) शशक
ग) धावति
38. उन्नते वृक्षे खगा: तिष्ठन्ति I अस्मिन् – वक्ये विशेषण पदम् किम् ? *
क) उन्नते
ख) वृक्षे
ग) खगा:
39. महाभारतम् कस्य रचना आस्ति : I *
क) व्यासेन,
ख) वाणमटेन्
ग) माधेन् I
40. संस्कृतम् पदस्य् क: अर्थ: आस्ति ? *
क) अशुदतम्
ख) परिष्कृतम्
bhai please ​


Answered by varaddeshmukh1687


l can't give answer because I taken hindi

Answered by Anonymous

Mazzini was the spiritual force of the Italian resurrection. He joined the Carbonari, a revolutionary organisation and was arrested in 1830. He was sent into exile in 1831 for attempting a revolution in Liguria. He subsequently founded two more underground societies, first – Young Italy in Marseilles and then Young Europe in Berne, whose members were like- minded young men from Poland, France, Italy and the German states.

Mazzini believed that God had intended nations to be the natural units of mankind. So Italy could not continue to be a patchwork of small states and kingdoms. It had to be forged into a single unified republic within a wider alliance of nations. This unification alone could be the basis of Italian liberty. Mazzini was in favour of a republic because he thought sovereignity resides essentially in the people and can only completely express itself in that form. Mazzini’s relentless opposition to monarchy and his vision of democratic republics frightened the conservatives. Metternich described him as ‘the most dangerous enemy of our social order’.

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