English, asked by meenaprasad4153, 1 year ago

बेटी बचाओ, बेटी पढाओ योजना मराठी निबंध | Essay on Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao Yojana in Marathi


Answered by upenderjoshi28

Beti Bachao Beti Padao

Girls are an integral part of life. Imagine the world without girls! No God-like mothers at homes! No caring sisters to share our sorrows and double our joys! No wives for man forcing him to live a bachelor’s life eternally with all the responsibilities of household chores on him! The truth is man’s life would be eternally monotonous and monochromatic without girls. The practical and scientific fact is man’s existence is impossible without GIRLS.

Now the question arises: ‘When GIRLS are so important for life why are they being subjected to female-foeticide, molestation, gender-discrimination and bias? The answer will shock you! This injustice against the girls is nothing but atrocities of male chauvinistic society bringing forth its backwardness and ignorance. How savagely and outrageously shocking is this ill-treatment of the fair sex! In some of the states of India such as Punjab and Haryana this heinous crime against the GIRL child has gone beyond limits. The average sex ratio in India is 933. Haryana is the state with lowest sex ratio of 861.

Though the Indian Government has passed many laws to safeguard GIRL children, yet the crimes against them have not ended completely. Though there is a sea change in people’s attitude towards GIRL children, still the Government along with people and NGOs need to do more in promoting GIRL children’s interest and causes. The Government must not hesitate in passing and implementing more stringent laws to save GIRL children. And the people must take more proactive part in safeguarding this pillar of love, affection, and creation.

The best option to save girls and empower them is to educate them. Girls’ education is highly important and crucial for the development of a nation. There is a very famous saying in Africa which says, 'If you educate a man, you educate an individual, but if you educate a woman, you educate a woman.' In the light of the above mentioned axiom, empowering the girl child with education is the best and the wisest option a nation could have in empowering itself. In the big vast world of ours, many nations in African, Asian, and South American continents are still grappling with the problems of backwardness. Hunger, poverty, unemployment, poor standards of living, poor medical facilities, poor education, etc, are still lingering on in the developing countries.

Empowering girl child with education is the only panacea. An educated girl will have the power to make her dreams come true. Only an educated girl can earn her own living and free in true sense. With her education, not only she will be benefited, she will spread the light of education all around her. She will teach her brothers, sisters, neighbors, and other adults; this will lead to a positive ripple effect that will lead to skill enhancement and the prospects of being hired by competent companies will increase. Besides, an educated girl child ensures the surety of education of the other family members. Besides, educating a girl is the best investment. By educating the girl child the family is making a sound financial investment. When the girl child is educated, she will reduce the financial burden of her father and later her husband.

India is a fast developing country. The goal of complete advancement is not possible until each and every Indian becomes not only highly educated but also highly skilled. This task can only be accomplished with the girls’ education and contributions. So, empowering girl child with education is the best investment a nation can make! The following poem is the apt conclusion for this essay:

Daughters are awesome, daughters are divine;

They sparkle, they dazzle, and they brilliantly shine,

In each and every sphere and field;

Still I wonder why people feel the need

For female foeticide and female abortions;

I don’t know from where they get such notions.

Daughters are awesome, daughters are divine;

Let them be born and let them grow into their prime;

Just give them the freedom they will stun you with their shine.

They will amaze, blaze, and stun the world with their talents so fine.

Answered by vikram991

Answer :

मुलगी वाचविणे हा देशभरातील मुलींच्या बचतीसंदर्भात एक महत्त्वाचा सामाजिक जागरूकता विषय आहे. मुलगी मुलाचे मोठ्या प्रमाणात जतन केले जाऊ शकते अशा अनेक उपाययोजना आहेत. समाजात दारिद्र्य मोठ्या प्रमाणात आहे आणि भारतीय समाजात अशिक्षितता आणि लैंगिक असमानता हे मोठे कारण आहे. तर, दारिद्र्य आणि लिंगभेद कमी करण्यासाठी तसेच भारतीय समाजात मुलगी आणि स्त्रीची स्थिती सुधारण्यासाठी शिक्षण हे मूलभूत घटक आहेत. आकडेवारीनुसार, असे आढळून आले आहे की ओडिशामध्ये जिथे मुलींना शिक्षण आणि इतर कामांमध्ये समान प्रवेश नसतो तेथे स्त्री साक्षरता सतत कमी होत आहे. शिक्षणाचा रोजगाराशी सखोल संबंध आहे. कमी शिक्षण म्हणजे कमी रोजगार ज्यायोगे समाजात दारिद्र्य आणि लिंग विषमता होते. महिलांची स्थिती सुधारण्यासाठी शिक्षण हे सर्वात प्रभावी पाऊल आहे कारण ते त्यांना आर्थिकदृष्ट्या स्वतंत्र बनवते. समाजातील महिलांना समान हक्क आणि संधी मिळाव्यात यासाठी सरकारने मुलगी वाचवा असे पाऊल उचलले आहे.

some important points :

1. मुली नवीन जीवनाची निर्मिती करतात.

२. माणसाचा वारसा फक्त एका मुलीमुळेच शक्य आहे परंतु आमच्या निराशामुळे कुटूंबातील वारसदारपणा पुरुषांकडे जाते. जन्मजात मुलाच्या लिंगाबद्दल समाजाची पूर्वाग्रह वृत्ती नेहमीच एक ज्वलंत मुद्दा बनली आहे.

. मुलींना नेहमीच ठार मारले गेले आहे, कारण संकुचित मानसिकता आणि पुरुष चौविनीवादी समाजाचे वर्चस्व आहे.कन्या भ्रूणहत्या आणि स्त्रीभ्रूणहत्येविषयी लिहा.

6. गुन्ह्याविरूद्ध आवाज उठवा. मुली जगात तितकेच "आवश्यक" असतात आणि समान मान्यता आणि आदर असावा.

7. हे सिद्ध झाले आहे की मुली पुरुषांच्या मागे नाहीत. ते उत्कृष्ट असतात आणि प्रत्येक जीवनात यशस्वी होतात.

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