Three water tubs A, B and C are provided.
'A' has cold water, 'B' has hot water and
a mix of hot and cold water in 'C'. If you
dip your left hand in A and right hand in
B for 2-3 minutes and then both hands
together in c
1. Do both hands get the same feeling?
2o they bayh dan let the grame
2. Does water of Cappear hot or cold to left hand?
20 sig wades de espear hot or cold to 60
3. Does water of C appear hot or cold to right hand?
Give reason for this observation.
Answer: wiahiusoiajkadfhrigojfsdfhrufaodjskhghrjdvsgsdshdfksbiuhrgihwiufskhgshgwgrowesuifaijscknefiphjewviyegfojhjwrigeuagjbrsadjlaoiheljuao\hwguoysgilhkriosgu;jkdrhoisgzdjklrihysgo;djkreyipjekthwryoiusfjklsryiousFJHeutosisfjktieafbjblbglsbnsjdnlgjwnasgjnskdgnanglajngolhwaoeghwiushgjbkdghgworuye58713yrshkjh9qyahskbkbskgfplahdfasfsfs54d98f51b57981b+78b981379878+379+478+7+4*/8*/6*/679846598+845+9845984598745698+549+859+845698745+98956+988