2. Putting out system is better than factory based production of textiles. Do you agree? Give
reasons for your answer.
Yes putting out system is better than factory based system because factory based system increases air pollution which is not good for human health and in putting system everyone gets work in village area also.
Under the putting out system:
(a) Britain purchased cotton from supplier and arrived it to the spinners. Then the yarn was taken by the trader to the next stage of production the weavers.
(b) Unlike in guild system workers worked for wages and did not own the things they produced.
(c) All the work was done by the same machine like spinning, weaving making iron tools driving vehicles ships etc.
Under the guild system: –
(a) European traders gave advance to small farmers and artisons to produce textile goods as income from farming was low.
(b) Traders determined the prices and quality of the products
(2) Putting out system is better than factory based production of textiles. Do you agree? Give reasons of your answers.
Ans: – In my opinion putting out system is better than factory production of textiles.
There are many reasons like.
(i) This system will employ a lot of ordinary poor people.
(ii) The quality of the product will be improved.
(iii) The producer will get the right price for the product.
(iv) Manufacturers will be able to sell the product directly in the market.
(v) Environmental pollution will be reduced.
(vi) Producer will be able to decide the price of the product.
(vii) Producers will get the fair remuneration for their labour.
(3) The British introduced the railway system in this country to satisfy their interest. There is no better way to move multiple products and workers at once.
(4) When wages increase, workers are severely affected. Because they will be able to manage their life in a very good way. Their healthy life will affect their working life. The level up production of company goods will increase.
(5) The factory owners did a lot of work with the workers. The amount of money due was much more than the amount of hard work. The factory owners thought only of their own interests. They used workers to satisfy their own interests. They had no problem with the advantages and disadvantages of workers. They had to work long hours instead of very low wages.
(6) Workers will benefit if the factory improves. The place of work is the second home to them so they have to given enough benefits. They need to pay attention to the health and make arrangements for healthy food, drinking water. The company will improve only if the living standards of the workers improve.
(7) It is necessary to enact laws to improve the working conditions because… workers have the freedom to work as they wish. Their rights should not be curtailed. So, that the workers get the right value for their labour. All over they can be upheld their rights to the owner.
(8) Child labour is a crime to Indian law. Children are not old enough to work. They are forced to work in the victim of the situation. Moreover, heavy and big machine, factory chemical odors are harmful to their body. This is the age of making form of mental balance. So the children are not allowed to work in factories.
(9) The transportation system is a major foundation of any industry. If there is no proper transportation system, the products will not get market. Transferring accessories, Transfer of heavy machinery goods, commercialisation with other countries is required for this.
(11) There is a huge change in the industry. People from villages in search work began to gather in urban areas. The rich started to live in a clean and tidy environment. The poor live in this filthy densely populated area.