English, asked by gudduoraon3165, 9 months ago

b Write a dialogue of minimum three meaningful exchanges between teacher and the student


Answered by smartbrainz

Dialogue between the teacher and the student:

Rahim (Student): “Good Morning Sir. May I come in?”

Teacher: “Rahim, you are again late today. I have cautioned you repeatedly to be punctual, however, my advice seems to have no impact on you. Will you please explain to me why you are late again?

Rahim: “Sir, I had started for school from home well in time and was expecting to reach school on time, however, my bicycle had a flat tire. Since there were no cycle repair shops in that vicinity, I was unable to fix my cycle. So, I had no other options but to walk all the way to school. This made me late”.

Teacher: “Rahim, not again! You are proficient in always giving lame excuses. Would you remind me what the reason was for you coming late yesterday?”

Rahim: “Sir, yesterday….hmmm… I was late since I had to attend to some unexpected guests at home. My mother wanted me to get some snacks and drinks for the guest from the market”.

Teacher: “Really! Ridiculous! And by the way why were you late the day before yesterday?”

Rahim: “On that day… actually, my mother had asked me to pay the electricity bill and it was very urgent since that was the last date of the bill. As my father too was not in town, I had to oblige my mother”.

Teacher: “Rahim, it’s sad you have become accustomed in fabricating excuses”

Rahim: “But sir, I am not lying”.

Teacher: “One had you are not punctual and on the other hand you keep lying. These habits are not going to help in any way”.

Teacher: Timeliness is an essential aspect of each person’s life and an important secret to the success of life. And honesty helps to establish trust, improve relationships, and develop societies. That is why honesty is important to live happily, freely, and lead a prosperous life.

Teacher: “Remember if we make it a habit to present excuses, we would never accomplish anything in life. This habit would show its impacts on our daily life. We would lose friends and relations, and none would like us.

Rahim: “Yes sir, I understood….I shall not repeat this again. I will definitely make efforts to mend my ways”.

Teacher: Good! Now you may go and sit in your place”.

Rahim: “Thank you, Sir!”

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