Math, asked by anerjenanyac, 1 year ago

Below you will find 15 well-known six letter words, with only their endings remaining. Can you determine the words? ...rnt ...few ...ryo ...yme ...rak ...urd ...ynx ...mpi ...hom ...ovy ...lpt ...hma ...voy ...web ...mur


Answered by kvnmurty

_ _  _ rnt = learnt
_ _  _few  = curfew
_ _ _ ryo = Embryo
_ _ _ yme = enzyme
_ _  _ rak = anorak
_ _ _urd  = absurd
_ _ _ = ynx = larynx
_ _ _ mpi  = scampi  -perhaps there is some other word
_ _ _ hom = fathom
_ _ _ ovy = groovy
_ _ _ l p t = sculpt
_ _ _ h m a= brahma
_ _ _ voy = convoy
_ _ _ web = cobweb
_ _ _ mur = murmur

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