English, asked by samdon9371, 11 months ago

Best essay on your future depend on your aspiration


Answered by purvivashisht044


When we asked people about their hopes and goals for the future, there was a very diverse range of responses. The most common aspirations for the future centred around health, family, philanthropy and personal development.

Remaining healthy and independent were two of the main goals mentioned by participants. Several people said they wanted to live for another 10 years or until they reached 100, as long as they were in good health and not a burden on anybody. Staying active and productive were important aspects of a healthy life.Who are you worried about being a burden on?

Anybody. I think it's not only your family; it's your neighbours, people that I'm connected with in the volunteer situation. I'm not saying that it's going to happen but it's something that I would be concerned about. You know, if I had a stroke or was incapacitated and I had to depend on somebody to look after me and lost the dignity that I so richly crave now.

The main thing you can... it's not planning but it's looking after yourself as far as your diet and your exercise goes. It must have a bearing on your wellbeing. I mean, we control our own destiny to a certain extent. If you go and eat the wrong food or you drink the wrong stuff, you know, we control that. It's not up to somebody else to dictate those terms. You control your own destiny.

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