English, asked by Avikjain105, 1 year ago

best topics for asl for tenth class of 10 minutes

gauravimehta: can u tell whats asl
gauravimehta: plz
sakshii: asl is the assessment in speaking and learning skills....in asl we have speak up on the topics provided to us..or we cn take any topic by our choice...we have to speak for just 1 or 2 mints...den the person who will tk the asl will ask qstns regrdng to the topc nd then ur asl partrn will also ask sm qstns
sakshii: speaking and listening* not learning
Prateeksrivastava: its an interesting topic
Prateeksrivastava: I am not saying that you should learn
Prateeksrivastava: you should aware about these topics


Answered by Prateeksrivastava
I think the advancement in Technology will be the best topic because in today's era the technology is advance day by day
Answered by sakshii
you should take a topic as simple as possible...bcoz wen the teacher will ask questions den uh cn easily answer them....
uh can take topics such as...ambition,dreamz, life goal, discipline..etc   
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