Besties please answer the question
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Q1. Fill in the Blanks:
(i) The places where rice was first grown are to the north of Vindhyas.
(ii) Places where the people made tools are known as Factory Sites.
Q2. State whether True or False:
(i) True
(ii) True
Q3. Answer in one or two sentences:
(i) The ancient texts which are found on stones, temples or other hard surface are known to be inscriptions. Most of these inscriptions are found on stone slabs or pillars. These inscriptions mainly consist of the king's achievements, orders or message he wanted to convey to further generations. Many of the inscriptions also list the good things people did in the past.
(ii) The Sulaiman hills are the southern extensions of Hindu Kash mountains. They are found in Kandahar, Zabul and in Loya Paktia.
The Kirthar hills are found in Sindh and Baluchistan in Pakistan.
(iii)A place where artefacts, ancient tombs, historic inscriptions, etc have been preserved safely is known as sites.
Q4. Answer in three to four sentences:
(i) The word Palaeolithic is the combination of two Greek words -: ‘Palaeo’ and ‘Lithos’. Palaeo means old and Lithos means Stone. So we can say Palaeolithic Age is also known as "Stone Age". The tools made in this period was not sharp and were made of stone.
(ii) 12,000 years ago there was a lot of climate changes, extinction and habitat destruction. The climate began to be warmer a bit and some animals and other organisms got extinct.