Hindi, asked by sonusinghlion4773, 10 months ago

Bharat ki nai pidhi pe nibandh


Answered by iamsuk1986

Answer:Free sample essay on Indian Youth. Young people are full of abundant energy, courage, spirit for adventure, imagination, hope and ambition. These can be very well used in constructive and developmental activities. These should not be allowed either to go waste or used for destructive purposes.

The young men and women of India should be fully involved in the creative work of nation-building and reconstruction. The younger generation, which is more generous, flexible, sensitive and dynamic, can do wonders if properly guided and motivated. It is with the help of the young men and women of China that Mao Tsetung, the chairman of the People’s Republic of China (1949-59) and of the Chinese Communist Party, affected the great Cultural Revolution which transformed the whole of China into one of the great political and military powers of the world. Mao was well aware of the power, exuberance, spontaneity, ebullience and unlimited energy of the youth and used these to great advantage for himself and China. Besides China, there are many other countries like France and Indonesia, etc. where the youth has helped in changing the course of history in more ways than one.

It is easy to blame the youth of India for impatience, indiscipline, and irreverence for the elders, authority and social customs. But all these reflect one-sidedness and lack of proper understanding on the part of the elders and grown-ups. No doubt the youth of modern India has its own limitations and problems, etc. but these can be removed or decreased to a great extent by sympathy, understanding and appreciation. If the youth of India have any shortcomings and faults, the elders are to blame because the former mirror the latter.


Proper orientation and positive steps are needed to engage the youth of the country in nation-building activities. Their zeal, enthusiasm and energy need to be channelized in developmental activities and social reconstruction. The Indian youth, full of inexhaustible power, is always eager to do something positive, constructive and appreciable for the society and the nation.

In order to harness the youth-power of the country, a National Youth Policy has been framed to instill in the youth a deep awareness of national ideals of secularism, non-violence, integration and our ancient historical and cultural heritage. It also aims at developing qualities of discipline, self-reliance, leadership, justice, fair play, sporting spirit and scientific temper so as to enable them to combat superstitions, obscurantism and other numerous social ills and evils.

With the above objectives in view, adventure institutions, cultural centres, Yuvak Kendras, and sports centres, etc. have been established in various important cities and towns of the country. For example, Indian Mountaineering Foundation, New Delhi and National Adventure Foundation are two important institutions for promotion of adventure. These provide training. -jetties and financial assistance for undertaking mountaineering, hiking- trekking, expeditions, explorations, cycle-tours, etc. to remote a feeling of oneness and unity. The young men and women from one part of the country exchange visits with their counterparts from other parts. It helps them to familiarize themselves with different environments, lifestyles and social customs.

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