Bholi’s real name is Sulekha. We are told this right at the beginning. But only in the last but one paragraph of the story is Bholi called Sulekha again. Why do you think she is called Sulekha at that point in the story?
ANSWER: Bholi's real name is Sulekha.When she was 10 months old she fell down from the bed. She fell on her head. Some part of her brain was damaged. It made her mentally backward.That was why she was called Bholi, the simpleton. She was sent to school. Her teacher showed great love and sympathy for her. She feel her with great courage and confidence. Bholi gave Bishamber a befitting treatment. Now she was no longer a girl who lacked sense. She was wise, confident ,courageous and self respecting. That is why in the end of the story,she is referred to by her real name ,Sulekha - not Bholi ,the Simpleton.
Answer: When Bholi was 10 months old she fell from the cot on her head and some part of her brain got damaged. That was why she remained a backward child and she was known as Bholi, the simpleton. When she was two years old she had an attack of small pox and she also stammer while she spoke. Her father sent her to school as he thought that no one would marry her. In the school her teacher helped her to speak the whole sentence and transformed her into a confident person. Bholi's marriage was fixed with Bishamber. He asked her father for a dowry of five thousand rupees. Bholi refused to marry Bishamber and she didn't stammer, she was very confident and courageous. That was why in the end of the she was called Sulekha not Bholi because at that time she was not a backward girl...