Biology, asked by narebdrmodi8336, 1 year ago

Biochemical test for identification of salmonella and shigella


Answered by imellyshah

Salmonella Typhi
Capsule Negative (-ve)
Catalase Positive (+ve)
Citrate Negative (-ve)
Flagella Positive (+ve)
Gas Negative (-ve)
Gelatin Hydrolysis Negative (-ve)
Gram Staining Negative (-ve)
Growth in KCN Negative (-ve)
H2S Positive (+ve)
Indole Negative (-ve)
Motility Motile
MR (Methyl Red) Positive (+ve)
MUG Test Negative (-ve)
Nitrate Reduction Positive (+ve)
Oxidase Negative (-ve)
Pigment Negative (-ve)
Shape Rod
Spore Negative (-ve)
TSIA (Triple Sugar Iron Agar) Alkali/Acid
Urease Negative (-ve)
VP (Voges Proskauer) Negative (-ve)
Fermentation of
Adonitol Negative (-ve)
Arabinose Negative (-ve)
Arabitol Negative (-ve)
Cellobiose Negative (-ve)
DNase Negative (-ve)
Dulcitol Negative (-ve)
Erythritol Negative (-ve)
Esculin Hydrolysis Negative (-ve)
Glucose Positive (+ve)
Glycerol Negative (-ve)
Inositol Negative (-ve)
Lactose Negative (-ve)
Malonate Negative (-ve)
Maltose Positive (+ve)
Mannitol Positive (+ve)
Mannose Positive (+ve)
Melibiose Positive (+ve)
Mucate Negative (-ve)
MyoInositol Negative (-ve)
Raffinose Negative (-ve)
Rhamnose Negative (-ve)
Salicin Negative (-ve)
Sorbitol Positive (+ve)
Sucrose Negative (-ve)
Tartrate Positive (+ve)
Trehalose Positive (+ve)
Xylose Positive (+ve)
Enzymatic Reactions
Acetate Utilization Negative (-ve)
Arginine Dehydrolase Negative (-ve)
Esculin Hydrolysis Negative (-ve)
Lipase Negative (-ve)
Lysine Positive (+ve)
ONPG (β-galactosidase) Negative (-ve)
Ornithine Decarboxylase Negative (-ve)
Peroxidase Negative (-ve)
Tyrosine Hydrolysis Negative (-ve)

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