Biology, asked by jyotimajhi121, 1 year ago

Biological parameters:food, cover, forage, browse and cover estimation


Answered by devanshpratapsinghya


Rule 1. There exists an ordering of species in which all species feed wholly, or largely on those lower than themselves in the ordering.

Rule 1. There exists an ordering of species in which all species feed wholly, or largely on those lower than themselves in the ordering.An ordered set (a ranking for each species) is absent if foraging behavior is independent of body size (Fig. 1a). An ordered set arises from allometric foraging for two reasons. First, body size is an axis along which species can be ordered independent of consumer identity (larger resources are larger, irrespective of their identity). Second, if the handling time function is similar for all consumers then profitabilities, Pij = Ei/Hij, will be similarly ranked among consumers. For example, if Hij = hMihiMjhj, Pi,j = eMi(1−hi)(h Mjhj), and all consumers find the smallest (if hi > 1; Fig. 1b) or largest (if hi < 1; Fig. 1c) resource the most profitable. In contrast, if hi < 1 for some consumers and hi > 1 for others, the smallest resource will be the most profitable for some consumers, while the largest will be for others and there is no consistent feeding hierarchy across consumers (

Answered by sourasghotekar123


Biological parameters are important. The factor determines the quality of that biological living thing.


  • Biological parameters for foods can be appearance, textures, smell, taste, safety, post-harvest life, and convenience.
  • The model result supports the hypothesis that an individual's behavior subject to natural selection determines that individual diet and food web structure is the sum of individual decisions.
  • Let us take an example. The biological parameters of water determine the quality of drinking water. It is more important than physical and chemical parameters because they directly affect the health of human beings. Some important biological characteristics that affect the quality of drinking water include microorganisms like bacteria, protozoa, viruses, and algae.


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