BIOLOGY question please help......
'amnion is formed of mesoderm on outside and ectoderm inside' how is this possible? amnion is innermost layer but ectoderm is the outermost layer
how does it form? please explain with diagrams..
Answered by
Formation of mesoderm begins at posterior end of embryonal disc by the formation of primitive streak as a faint groove.Thois establishment head and tail ends of the embryo
The active proliferated of cells at caudal end of embronic disc causes a local thickening of cells in the form of the primitive streak.Proliferated cells later deatach from epiblast and move inward below the primitive dtreak to form mesoderm layer between newly formed endoderm and epiblast.The process of inward movement of presumptive mesodermal cells is called invagination.
Formation of ectoderm occurs after the separation and invagination of mesodermal cells,the remaining cells of epiblast forms ectoderm.
thank u
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