Business Studies, asked by debeto5067, 8 months ago

Bob works hard at his job, but he hasn’t got a raise in a couple of years. He feels he deserves one and he has decided to approach his boss to ask for it. Bob’s boss, Mike, is a “by the numbers” guy. He is very focused on using statistics to judge how productive people are in the company. Bob knows this because he is required to turn in various statistical data to Mike regularly. Moreover, Mike is impulsive and short tempered.
Bob is in a dilemma about how to communicate his mind to Mike as a consequence of which he cannot focus on his work. His first instinct is to have a meeting with Mike and tell him about how badly he needs the raise. He was going to tell him how he needs to put away more money for his kids’ college funds and to pay for a new car. But then remembering Mike’s impulsiveness he decides not to ask for a raise at all.
a. Describe the communication barriers in the above case study


Answered by yearsarestrong


bob here is in need of raise but

here he also in fear that he might be fired as he is going on grom the current salary here

bob requires that +1 in his life which is raise and he is on 0 which is his current salary but he is not approaching mike cause he in the barrier of the loss of losing the 0 of his current salary the futrue +1 and at the formost the fear of -1 due to his boss impulsiveness and short temperament.

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