Chemistry, asked by anilchandel2751980, 6 months ago

Bond angle in H2S is very less as compare to H2O. Give reaaon.​


Answered by tathagatadaw


Bond angle is directly proportional to electronegativity of central atom. as electronegativity of O is more than S so bond angle of H2O more than H2S. Due to more electronegativity of oxygen electron cloud shift towards it and this lead to increase in b.p-b.p repulsion.

Answered by ajayfdo


Bond angle in H2S is 90°

Bond angle in H2O is 104.5°

This is due to more electronegativity of oxygen electron cloud shift towards it and this lead to increase in b.p-b.p repulsion. ... The central atom has little tendency to open up the angle IN H2S then H2O.

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