bonding between the existing rigid pavement and the pcc overlay is prevented by using a slurry seal, bituminous surface treatments (bst), or hma bond breaking interlayer. the separation allows the original pavement and overlay to act independently of each other and helps prevent distresses in the existing pavement from reflecting through into the overlay
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Overlays (either structural or non-structural) make up a large portion of the roadway paving done today. The degree of surface preparation for an overlay is dependent on the condition and type of the existing pavement. Generally, the existing pavement should be structurally sound, level, clean and capable of bonding to the overlay. To meet these prerequisites, the existing pavement is usually repaired, leveled (by milling, preleveling or both), cleaned and then coated with a binding agent. This subsection covers:
Tack coats
Leveling (both by applying a leveling coarse and by milling)
HMA overlays on PCC pavement
PCC overlays on HMA pavement
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