book review for class 8
this Judy who can open up a whole world of childhood feelings, from moods to friendships, for thinking and discussion.
the author is Megan Mcdonald
Judy Moody is starting third grade, and worried she'll have to sit next to Frank \" Eats Paste\" Pearl, in a new classroom that won't have a porcupine named Roger. And she doesn't even have a T-shirt with words, like all the other kids, because her family didn't go anywhere on vacation. Roar!
But Judy is not one to take things lying down. She whips up her own T-shirt (I Ate a Shark!) and trudges off to school with her best friend, Rocky, only to find that her new teacher, Mr. Todd (or as Judy calls him, Mr. Toad) has an assignment that's right up her alley -- to create a Me-collage.
Book review:
A book review is a comprehensive assessment of a book that includes all relevant information and offers a frank assessment of the book's merits.
For the audience to understand how well received a book is, a book review is necessary. Knowing whether or not the book can be recommended to someone is crucial for the audience. The reader can get a quick overview of the book's subject.
Book review for class 8:
Topic or hook:
Blood and Flesh So Cheap: The Triangle Fire and Its Legacy
Author: Albert Marrin
Essential book information:
The writing in this book was excellent. It includes descriptions of the photos and black & white images. These images help us to better understand how people's lives were. Ages 9 to 20 should read this book.
Basic summary:
This book will presumably be of interest to readers who are interested in immigration, national disasters, and US history.
The early 1900s in New York City are described so that readers can understand what it was like to labour there. The absence of workplace safety regulations was one of the things that found very intriguing. There was a significant disparity between the rich and the poor as well.
Praise and critique:
This book may not appeal to everyone because it is so gloomy, but it is an important historical event that needs to be remembered.
This book can be read by those who are interested in natural disasters. This book explains how natural calamities will happen in the absence of any knowledge.
I gave this book a rating of 5 stars.