Book work of civics foriegn policy. Of india
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Indian Foreign Policy
1. What is a foreign policy?
A foreign policy is a set of political goals that define how a sovereign country will interact with other countries in the world. It seeks to secure the best interest of the people, territory and economy of the country.
2. How does a country maintain relations with other countries?
The relationship that builds up between two countries or more is called the foreign policy of a country. Today we need to take permission to enter another country in the form of a visa. If a country restricts issuing visas to Indian citizens, it can affect their relationship. Every country is usually cautious about its foreign policy because deterioration in relations can hinder trade links, and its own citizens who are settled in the other country.
3. What has India’s policy been since independence?
India, through her foreign policies, has always emphasized on peace. The very obvious message that we want to give the world through our foreign policies is that of peace. Besides, we have gone through the hardships of the British rule, which has taught the importance of the basic principles of freedom, dignity and peaceful coexistence.
4. What is NAM? Why was NAM formulated?
After independence, India did not want to be a part of the blocs led by USSR or USA. It did not align with either of the countries but chose to follow a policy of non-alignment. This movement got strengthened with the rise of many independent countries in sixties. India played a positive role in emphasizing cordial relationship and neutral foreign policies. India was never drawn towards the cold war between USSR and USA.
5. Why do you think Afro-Asian countries want to remain non-aligned?
The Afro-Asian countries want to remain non-aligned because none of the countries including India want to be drawn in the cold war and the atmosphere of suspicion and mistrust which resulted into formation of blocs. They all want peace through NAM and policy of neutrality or non-involvement.
6. Which countries played a major role in the initial period of NAM?
India, China, Indonesia, Egypt and Yugoslavia played a major role in the initial period of NAM.
7. What does the word ‘Panchsheel’ mean? How do you think these principles can manifest in the foreign policies of the countries?
Panchsheel means:
Mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereigntyMutual non-aggressionMutual non-interference in each other’s internal affairsEquality and mutual benefitPeaceful coexistence
India has consistently tried to formulate her foreign policy in accordance with the principles of Panchsheel, trying to establish mutual trust and peace. It is also trying to ensure that countries do not get into conflict with each other but develop deep-rooted economic and cultural relations. Indian foreign policy is based on neutrality, non-interference, non-aggression, non-involvement and peaceful co-existence.
8. Which countries are member of SAARC?
SAARC is an association of the seven South Asian countries named India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Maldives.
9. What are the similarities between the principles of SAARC and NAM?
The similarities are:
· Respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty
· Non-interference in each other’s internal affairs
· Cooperation for mutual benefits
· Equality between all countries
· To cooperate with one another in order to develop economically and culturally.
10. Which countries are members of ASEAN?
Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar are member of ASEAN.
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