The disadvantage of mobile is it can provide UV Ray's so we are watching mobile it can harm eyes
internet are very harmful to bird and harmful to us also because it current are harmful
Disadvantages of Mobile Phones:
1. Constantly Distracting
It can be difficult to relax in a social situation in the age of mobile phones. A call or text can come in at any time. Society generally expects you to have your phone switched on, charged up and within reach at all times.
2. Socially Disruptive
Mobile phones can destroy the atmosphere at events and undermine social social meetups.
3. Photos and Videos, Means No Privacy
One consequence of the prevalence of photo and video technology found on mobile phones is that personal privacy has become harder to maintain. In almost any public situation there is the possibility of being photographed or filmed. Once that media has been captured, it can easily end up in the public domain via social media.
4. Constant Expense
Owning, using, and keeping an up to date mobile phone model is not cheap. The problem is that the technology is constantly advancing, phone models become archaic very quickly, requiring you to upgrade.
5. Spam
Receiving unsolicited sales calls or texts is irritating and disruptive. Money making scams are becoming increasingly more common and sophisticated, and often target the most vulnerable members of society..
6. Hinders Sleep
There is good evidence that mobile phones contribute to sleep deprivation, especially when people use them late at night or in bed.
7. They cause accidents
People get engrossed by their phones when they walk around. They collide with things, bump into people, or even worse, step into the road without looking. The distractive effects on drivers are even worse.
There are more..
These were some of them..!