Break the words into Syllables - anything, difficulty, captain, morning, citizen, message, mayor, elected
An-y-thing, dif-fi-cul-ty, cap-tain, morn-ing, cit-i-zen,mes-sage, may-or, e-lect-ed.
There are some rules to break the syllables. First we should break the base word from the given word. Example in the given words anything, captain and morning are separated from the base words thing, morn. If there is no base words the syllables should be broken with the help of vowels and vowel sounds. If any syllable ends with silent ‘e’ then we should break that syllable.
Example: Puz-zle, lit-tle. For the other words, break the word between the consonants provided there should be vowels on either sides of the consonants.
Example: Din-ner. ‘I’ and ‘e’ are vowels on either side of ‘n’ which is a consonant. In a similar way, difficulty, message, mayor are divided. When the vowel sound is heard at the end of the syllable that should be divided separately.
Example: cit-i-zen and e-lect-ed. ‘I’ and ‘e’ gives vowel sound and they should be written as separate syllable.