Briefly bring out the humour in uncle khosrove and john byro's meeting
Answer :
In the short story 'The Summer Of The Beautiful White Horse,' Uncle Khosrove and John Byro's meeting took place at Aram's house. John Byro informed Aram's mother that his white horse had been missing for more than a month. He was extremely sad about the loss and commented about the uselessness of his surrey without his white horse. Uncle Khosrove, who was at Aram's house at the time, did not show any sympathy or concern for his loss and shouted in his irritable and impatient manner “It’s no harm. What is the loss of a horse? What is this crying over a horse?” He kept on repeating his pet phrase “Pay no attention to it” on every complaint made by Byro. This made John Byro to comment on the price he had to pay for the said horse. This comment further infuriated Uncle Khosrove who retorted back : “I spit on money.” John Byro could not tolerate it any further and so he stalked out of the house, slamming the screen door in utter disgust.