Briefly explain the types of physical quantities
Quantities that can be measured, and in terms of which, laws of physics are described are called physical quantities. Examples are length, mass, time, force, energy, etc.
Types of Physical Quantities
Physical quantities are classified into two types. There are fundamental and derived quantities.
Fundamental or base quantities are quantities which cannot be expressed in terms of any other physical quantities. These are length, mass, time, electric current, temperature, luminous intensity and amount of substance.
Quantities that can be expressed in terms of fundamental quantities are called derived quantities. For example, area, volume, velocity, acceleration, force.
Definition of Unit and its Types
The process of measurement is basically a process of comparison. To measure a quantity, we always compare it with some reference standard. For example, when we state that a rope is 10 meter long, it is to say that it is 10 times as long as an object whose length is defined as 1 metre. Such a standard is known as the unit of the quantity. Here 1 metre is the unit of the quantity ‘length’.
An arbitrarily chosen standard of measurement of a quantity, which is accepted internationally is called unit of the quantity.
The units in which the fundamental quantities are measured are called fundamental or base units and the units of measurement of all other physical quantities, which can be obtained by a suitable multiplication or division of powers of fundamental units, are called derived units.