English, asked by sbarakath805, 4 months ago

Build a conversation of three to five sets of exchange, with your grandmother
discussing the pandemic situation of our country.


Answered by adityagupta09072006


Grandmother : "How was your day, shristi?"

Shristi : "it was good grandma. You know what is happening nowadays all over the world?"

Grandmother : "What happened dear..?"

Shristi : "Nowadays the world is facing a very dangerous disease."

Grandmother : "Oh no ! Is it ?"

Shristi : "Yes grandma it is a virus, Corona virus. And the government has announced it as a pandemic."

Grandmother : " Hey God ! Bless us."

Shristi :" It's symptoms are like having fever, cough, cold, aches and pains,sore throat,diarrhoea, conjunctivitis, headache,loss of taste or smell,a rash on skin, or discolouration of fingers or toes etc. "

Grandmother : " So what are the ways to protect ourselves from this virus? "

Shristi : " Grandma to protect ourselves from the virus is to

  • Frequently clean your hands with soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand rub.
  • Always wearing a mask properly.
  • Avoiding ourselves to visit crowded places.
  • Mantain social distance.
  • Stay home if ill"

Grandmother : "yes dear we should be alert"

Shristi : " yes grandma"


Hope it helps you. Please mark me as brainliest and #stayhomestaysafe.

Thank  \:  \:  you

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