English, asked by harshgawli15, 13 hours ago

build a word ladder blade to shade​


Answered by presentmoment

To build a word ladder - Blade to shade​

blade → blate → slate → spate → spade → shade


A word ladder is a sequence of words that each differ from the previous word by replacing some letter in that word with some other letter. For example, the ladder cat → cot → dot → dog is a word ladder that starts at "cat" and ends at "dog." Because each modification consists of a single-letter substitution, word ladders can only be found between words of the same length.

Word ladder for Blade-Shade:

blade → blate → slate → spate → spade → shade


In a Word Ladder:

  • Players get a starting word and an ending word
  • Starting and ending words must be the same length
  • Players change one letter at a time, attempting to move from the starting word to the ending word
  • Each intermediate step must be a valid word, and no proper nouns are allowed!

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