English, asked by mvishnupriya016, 8 months ago

bus ki yatra summary in English


Answered by adeeladilu27
एक बार लेखक अपने चार मित्रों के साथ बस से जबलपुर जाने वाली ट्रेन पकड़ने के लिए अपनी यात्रा बस से शुरु करने का फैसला लेते हैं। परन्तु कुछ लोग उसे इस बस से सफर न करने की सलाह देते हैं। उनकी सलाह न मानते हुए, वे उसी बस से जाते हैं किन्तु बस की हालत देखकर लेखक हंसी में कहते हैं कि बस पूजा के योग्य है।

नाजुक हालत देखकर लेखक की आँखों में बस के प्रति श्रद्धा के भाव आ जाते हैं। इंजन के स्टार्ट होते ही ऐसा लगता है की पूरी बस ही इंजन हो। सीट पर बैठ कर वह सोचता है वह सीट पर बैठा है या सीट उसपर। बस को देखकर वह कहता है ये बस जरूर गाँधी जी के असहयोग आंदोलन के समय की है क्योंकि बस के सारे पुर्जे एक-दूसरे को असहयोग कर रहे थे।

कुछ समय की यात्रा के बाद बस रुक गई और पता चला कि पेट्रोल की टंकी में छेद हो गया है। ऐसी दशा देखकर वह सोचने लगा न जाने कब ब्रेक फेल हो जाए या स्टेयरिंग टूट जाए।आगे पेड़ और झील को देख कर सोचता है न जाने कब टकरा जाए या गोता लगा ले।अचानक बस फिर रुक जाती है। आत्मग्लानि से मनभर उठता है और विचार आता है कि क्यों इस वृद्धा पर सवार हो गए।

इंजन ठीक हो जाने पर बस फिर चल पड़ती है किन्तु इस बार और धीरे चलती है।आगे पुलिया पर पहुँचते ही टायर पंचर हो जाता है। अब तो सब यात्री समय पर पहुँचने की उम्मीद छोड़ देते है तथा चिंता मुक्त होने के लिए हँसी-मजाक करने लगते है।अंत में लेखक डर का त्याग कर आनंद उठाने का प्रयास करते हैं तथा स्वयं को उस बस का एक हिस्सा स्वीकार कर सारे भय मन से निकाल देते हैं।

Once the author along with four of his friends decide to start his journey by bus to catch a train going to Jabalpur by bus. But some people advise him not to travel by this bus. Disregarding his advice, he leaves the same bus, but seeing the condition of the bus, the author laughs that the bus is worthy of worship.

Seeing the delicate condition, the writer's eyes get reverence for the bus. As soon as the engine starts, it seems that the entire bus is the engine. Sitting on the seat, he thinks he is sitting on the seat or seat on it. Looking at the bus, he says that this bus is of the time of non-cooperation movement of Gandhi ji because all the parts of the bus were uncooperative to each other.

After some time traveling the bus stopped and it was found that there was a hole in the petrol tank. Seeing such a situation, he starts to wonder when the break fails or the steering breaks. Looking at the trees and the lake, he thinks when he collides or takes a dive. Suddenly the bus stops again. A feeling of self-aggression arises and the thought comes as to why this old lady was riding.

When the engine is fixed, the bus starts running again, but this time it moves more slowly. Upon reaching the culvert, the tire becomes punctured. Now all the passengers give up hope of arriving on time and start laughing jokingly to get worry-free. Finally, the writers try to renounce the fear and enjoy themselves and accept themselves as a part of that bus and all the fears Out of the mind
Answered by manjug191


The journey of the bus is a satirical story written by Harishankar Parsai. In this story, he has described an interesting bus journey. In the story, 5 friends caught the bus to reach their destination, it was in an old chain condition, and people stopped traveling on that bus. When the author also saw the old condition of the bus, he wondered whether the bus was running or not, the bus was owned by the company's partner, who himself was also traveling in that bus, assuring the people that this bus is in old age. Experienced will take care of you in front of your children. As soon as the engine starts, the noise of the whole bus was absorbed, the condition of the bus was so chaotic that each part was moving separately, there was no coordination, and the author could not understand that he was sitting on the seat or the seat is sitting on top of him, suddenly the bus stops and it is found that there is a hole in the petrol tank. It seemed that the bus would hit a tree, the speed of the bus was so slow that every vehicle moving behind was ahead. I was going to get out of the bus after going some distance but the bus narrowly escaped falling from the drain, all the passengers were traveling in the bus due to some compulsion, but we fell in reverence for the partner of the bus company. Knowing everything, he was traveling in the bus so that people could be encouraged, till now we had also adopted the real condition of the bus, and left everything to God and sat as if sitting at home.


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