c. A- ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS BRIEFLY: (2X4= 8 MARKS) a. What is the linuitation of the whole school evaluation process?
b. what does every small step become ?
c. What is the aspect of parenting that has not changed over the years?
d. What is the plight of children like Arpita ?
B- FIND THE WORDS FROM THE PASSAGE THAT MEAN THE SAME AS THE FOLLOWING ( to make feel that something bad or evil might happen ((Para 1)
b. in large amounts or more than enough. (Para-2)
c. thing with independent existence (Para-3) d. to wait or move in a secret way (para:5) e. a state of confusion or aghast. (Para 2)
f. special competence or training (para -2)
g. Aims or aspirations (para -5)
Don't give wrong ans because it is my exam question paper...help me!!!!
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