C. Fill in the blanks:
1. The changes that can be reversed are called
2. Ripening of fruits is an example of
3. Freezing of water is an example of
causes water to change into steam.
1 All changes in the world are one of the two types – Reversible changes and irreversible changes. A change which can happen backward, that is, can be reversed is called a reversible change. If you keep water in the freezer for some time, it transforms into ice.
2 Ripening of fruits is a chemical changes. During ripening the pigment present in the skin of the fruit changes and this can not be reversed back. it is a chemical change as once a fruit ripens it cannot turn raw again
3 When water freezes, it converts from liquid water to solid water (also known as ice). Thus water freezing is an example of a phase transition. Change in phase is a physical change, since the molecules remain the same and there is no change in the chemical composition of the material
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