Science, asked by dhirenderkumar583, 6 hours ago

(c)Motion of a swing
(d)Motion of a mosquito in air
(6) Who discovered magnetic effect of current?
(a)H.C Oersted (b) Michael Faraday (c) Ohm (d) F
(7) Which type of image is obtained in the plane mirror
(a) Erect(b) Inverted (c) Real (d) Smaller than the
(8) Newton's disc when rotated rapidly in the daylight
(a)Bluish (b) Greenish (c) Whitish (d) Yellowish​


Answered by swatiChauhan786gmail


Answer: a


(a) Oersted showed that electricity and magnetism were related phenomena.


Answer: a


(a) Magnetic field inside the magnet moves from south to north pole.

3. Relative strength of magnetic field at a point in the space surrounding the magnet is shown by the

(a) length of magnet

(b) thickness of magnet

(c) degree of closeness of the field.

(d) resistance offered by the surroundings


Magnetic Effect of Electric Current Class 10 MCQ With Answer: a


(a) The force acting on the pole of another magnet by the crowded magnetic field lines is greater.

4. Which of the following statement is not correct about the magnetic field?

(a) Magnetic field lines form a continuous closed curve.

(b) Magnetic field line do not interest each other.

(c) Direction of tangent at any point on the magnetic field line curve gives the direction of magnetic field at that point.

(d) Outside the magnet, magnetic field lines go from South to North pole of the magnet.




(d) Outside the magnet, magnetic field line emerges from North-pole and moves towards south-pole.

5. By which instrument, the presence of magnetic field be determined?

(a) Magnetic Needle

(b) Ammeter

(c) Galvanometer

(d) Voltmeter


Answer: d


(a) With the help of magnetic field, one can find the presence of magnetic field in a region by observing its deflection.

6. The pattern of the magnetic field produced by the straight current carrying conducting wire is

(a) in the direction opposite to the current

(b) in the direction parallel to the wire

(c) circular around the wire

(d) in the same direction of current


Answer: a


(c) Magnetic field line around a current carrying straight conductor is represented by concentric circles.

7. The strength of magnetic field around a current carrying conductor is

(a) inversely proportional to the current but directly proportional to the square of the distance from wire.

(b) directly proportional to the current and inversely proportional to the distance from wire.

(c) directly proportional to the distance and inversely proportional to the current

(d) directly proportional to the current but inversely proportional the square of the distance from wire.


Answer: b


• magnetic field strength increases on increasing the current through the wire.

• magnetic field strength decreases as the distance from the wire increases.

8. A current through a horizontal power line flows from south to North direction. The direction of magnetic field line 0.5m above it is

(a) North

(b) South

(c) West

(d) East


Answer: a


(a) Apply right-hand thumb rule.

9. The nature of magnetic field line passing through the centre of current carrying circular loop is

(a) circular

(b) ellipse

(c) parabolic

(d) straight line


Answer: d


(d) magnetic field line at the centre of current carrying loop appears as a straight line.

MCQ Questions for Class 10 Magnetic Effect of Electric Current Question 10. The strength of each of magnet reduces to half when it cut along its length into the equal parts magnetic field strength of a solenoid. Polarity of solenoid can be determined by

(a) use of compass needle

(b) Right hand thumb rule

(c) fleming left hand rule

(d) either (a) or (b)


Answer: d


(d) both (a) and (b) can be use to determine the polarity of solenoid.

11. The factors on which one magnetic field strength produced by current carrying solenoids depends are

(a) Magnitude of current

(b) Number of turns

(c) Nature of core material

(d) All of the above


Answer: d


(d) Factors shown in (a), (b) and (c).

12. A soft iron bar is introduced inside the current carrying solenoid. The magnetic field inside the solenoid

(a) will decrease

(b) will remains same

(c) will increase

(d) will become zero


Answer: c


(c) Soft iron inside the current carrying solenoid act as an electromagnet.

13. When current is parallel to magnetic field, then force experience by the current carrying conductor placed in uniform magnetic field is

(a) Twice to that when angle is 60°

(b) Thrice to that when angle is 60°

(c) zero

(d) infinite


Answer: a


(a) If the current direction is parallel to the magnetic field, then there will no force on the conductor exerted by the magnetic field.

14. A positive charge is moving upwards in a magnetic field directed towards north. The particle will be deflected towards

(a) west

(b) north

(c) south

(d) east


Magnetic Effects of Electric Current Class 10 MCQ Questions and Answer: a


(a) Apply fleming’s left hand rule



Answer: d


(d) All the factors affect the strength of magnetic force. ok it is prefect answer


please mark as brianllest and thanks and follow please

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