C) Read the following passage, make it note form.
The revolution in computer technology has been going on about forty years. In the first generation, during
the Second World War, computer employed vacuum tubes and relays as switching devices. The collection of
switches routed electrical currents in matter that produced calculated results. As a matter of fact, all digital
computers today still perform calculations using switching techniques.
In the second generation, which started in 1950s, tubes and relays were replaced by transistors. Transistors
were faster, cheaper, smaller required less energy, and produced less heat than tubes.
Third generation, born in 1964, replaced transistors with integrated circuits. An integrated circuit arranges
thousands of switches on circuit boards small enough to be completely hidden by a tip of finger. This became
known as chips. Chips, too, were cheaper cooler, and faster their transistor forbears.
Starting in early 1970 a fourth generation of computers saw the shrinkage of components to microscopic
dimensions .Chips contained a very large number of components on very small chip. Once again, computer
switches became smaller less expensive, cooler, and faster.
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