C) State true or false:
1) Flowchart can be read from bottom to top and from right to left.
2) A flowchart cannot be drawn on paper.
3) Algorithm can be used to find the largest of three numbers.
4) While drawing Flowcharts we must follow guidelines.
5) Decision symbol is not used to indicate the decision point.
a is true
b is false
c is true
d is true
e is false
State true or false:
1) Flowchart can be read from bottom to top and from right to left.
:— False
Flowchart can be read from top to bottom not bottom to top and from left to right.
2) A flowchart cannot be drawn on paper.
:— False
:— A flowchart can be drawn on paper easily.
3) Algorithm can be used to find the largest of three numbers.
:— True
Algorithm can be used to find the greatest number of three given numbers.
4) While drawing Flowcharts we must follow guidelines.
:— True
While drawing flowcharts we must follow all guidelines.
5) Decision symbol is not used to indicate the decision point.
:— True
Decision symbol is used to indicate a question in yes or no answer results and also used to a possible true or false.