Social Sciences, asked by abhinavgalaxy007, 8 months ago

C. .Write T for true and F for False:-
1. The Indian Culture was influenced by Turks and Mongols.____________
2. Ibn Batuta visited India during Akbar’s reign.______________
3. The Mughals replaced the rulers of Delhi Sultanate._______________________
4. William Hawkins was a Persian traveler._______________________
5. Monuments and paintings are important literary sources of the medieval period._______________
6. The history of India is divided into three different periods-a) ancient b) medieval and c) modern._________________
7. The medieval period of India is sub-divided into the early medieval period and late medieval period.____________________
8. During the Early medieval period, the Palas, Pratiharas, Rashtrakutas , Cholas and Rajputs were dominant forces.____________________________
9. The late medieval period starts with the establishment of the Delhi Sultanate and extends till the reign of the Mughals.___________________
10. Literary sources and archaeological sources are the two sources of the medieval period.________________
D. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words:-
1. Extension of agriculture was marked by the gradual _____________________.
(modernization , clearing of forests)
2. Tarikh-i-Firuzshahi was written by _______________.
( Ziauddin Barani, Babur)
3. The Turks established themselves in Delhi during the ________________________.
( early medieval period, the late medieval period)
4. __________________________- was used synonymously with India during the British Raj.
( Bharat, Hindustan)
5. The medieval period also has the first good examples of _____________________ of history which give us a better insight into the period.( written records, monuments)

E. Answer the following questions:-
1. Name the sources of the medieval period.
2. Name three books written during the medieval period.
3. Give two examples of archaeological sources.
4. What was the new invention used for irrigation called?
5. Who wrote Akbarnama? _____________________________________________________
6. What are chronicles?
7. What kind of information can be obtained from archaeological sources of the medieval period?
8. What is tripartite struggle? Among which kingdom did it take place?
9. What new technology was brought into India and how did it bring about economic change in the society?

Important medieval literature
Kalhana Rajatarangini
Al-beruni Tarikh-al Hind
Firdausi Shahnama
Amir Khusrau Tarikh-i-Alai
Ziauddin Barani Tarikh-i-Firuzshahi,Fatwa-i-Jahandari
Minhaj-us-Siraj Tabaqat –i-Firuzshahi, Tabaqat-i-Nasiri
Babur Tuzuk-i-Baburi, Babarnama
Abdul Fazl Akbarnama, Ain-i-Akbari
Surdas Sur Sagar
Inayat Khan Shahjahanama


Answered by devibass1989



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Answered by wetewezahwezah


the sources of the medeival period are inscription, monuments, coins etc

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