cacan we use calculator in CA Foundation accounts exam
Students of CA PCC, CA IPCC & CA Final are allowed to use battery operated portable calculators in all the subjects.
The calculators can be of any type with up to 6 functions, 12 digits and up to two memories. (Attempt to use any other type of calculators not complying with the specifications indicated above or having more features than mentioned above shall tantamount to use of “unfair means” and would fall within the purview of paragraph 25 stated above.)
i hoep itz hlp you
hey mate right answer is here.
ICAI Norms. Students of CA PCC, CA IPCC & CA Final are allowed to use battery operated portable calculators in all the subjects. The calculators can be of any type with up to 6 functions, 12 digits and up to two memories. ... Printing models of calculators are not allowed. hope it helps you.