CBSE BOARD XII, asked by Explorer23, 1 year ago

calculate numbers of matches played by 15 teams in double league tournament​


Answered by Steph0303


Double League Tournament is a type of tournament where each team plays with the opponent teams twice.

Example of Double League tournament is IPL (Indian Premier League)

According to the question, there are 15 teams. So each team will play against 14 teams.

⇒ Number of teams = 15

⇒ Number of matches played = ( 15 - 1 ) = 14

So each team plays 14 matches in total. Therefore the number of matches played by 15 teams would be:

Total Number of Matches = 15 × 14 = 210

Therefore the total number of matches played in the tournament is 210 matches.

Another Formula for calculating Number of Matches played is:

  • Single League Tournament = n(n-1)/2
  • Double League Tournament = n(n-1)

Here, 'n' refers to the number of teams.

Answered by 165


Double League Tournament is a type of tournament where each team plays with the opponent teams twice. According to the question, there are 15 teams. So each team will play against 14 teams. Therefore the total number of matches played in the tournament is 210 matches.

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