calculate the mass in milli grams of 10^21 atoms of u 238
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Ex 1. Electrolytic decomposition of molten sodium chloride: On passing electric current through molten sodium chloride, it decomposes to give sodium metal and chlorine gas :
Ex 2. Electrolytic decomposition of molten alumina (aluminium oxide): On passing electric current through molten alumina, it decomposes to give aluminium metal and oxygen gas :
In this reaction, on passing electric current, a single substance i.e. alumina decomposes to give two simpler substances, aluminium metal and oxygen gas, thus it is an example of electrolytic decomposition reaction.
Photo-decomposition reactions (or photolysis):
The decomposition reactions which take place by absorption of light are called the photo-decomposition reactions or photolysis.
Ex 3. Photo-decomposition of silver chloride or Photolysis of silver chloride
Experiment: Take a pinch of silver chloride on a watch glass and keep it in sunlight for some time.
Decomposition of silver chloride in the presence of light
It is observed that white silver chloride turns gray due to formation of silver metal.
Ex 4. Photolysis of hydrogen iodide: Hydrogen iodide decomposes in the presence of ultraviolet light into hydrogen and iodine :
Ex 5. Photolysis of hydrogen peroxide: In presence of light, hydrogen peroxide decomposes into water and oxygen.
Since hydrogen peroxide decomposes in the presence of light, that is why, hydrogen peroxide is kept in coloured bottles so as to cut off light.
Decomposition reactions are called the opposite of combination reactions
In a decomposition reaction, one substance breaks up into two or more chemical substances, while in a combination reaction two or more substances combine to form one single substance. So these two reactions are called opposite of each other.