calculate the relative population of sodium atoms in a sodium lamp in the first excited state to a ground state a temperature of 250c
The basic principle behind the working of sodium vapor lamp is passing electric current through sodium gas to make the gas emit light. This is called photoelectric effect.
There is a U-shaped arc tube made of glass. small amounts of neon and argon gases are also present along with sodium gas inside the glass
Passing current through the gas increases its temperature and the gas vaporizes.
A sodium atom has 11 electrons, and because of the way they're stacked in orbit, one of the electrons is most likely to accept and emit energy.
There is an electric discharge when passing electricity through sodium vapors at high or low pressure.
This causes the valence electron of the sodium atoms to excite to higher energy levels. The excited electrons emit light around a wavelength of 590 nanometers. This wavelength corresponds to yellow light.